Joyful learning for children eager to learn about animals & environment
Newspaper Valkealan Sanomat wrote: "Three groups of children had today a chance to enjoy an extremely lively moment when Marsa Pihlaja told about her books, read stories of her latest book 'Strange Things Afoot! The Animal's World 2' and discussed the animals, nature and environment with the children.
The tour among the paintings informed e.g. that elephant is as big as a bus and that mice eat up elg's horns when they fall in the forest. The children also counted that the mole has 6 toes instead of 5. One little boy told that one day a sea gull pooed on his head (!) – Well, the author had the same experience on a market place in Helsinki. Everybody had a chance to tell their dogs' & cat's names, and the conversation was vivid.
Children's teacher, Pirjo Hämäläinen described the children as sponges sucking all the information available. Equally important for children is the chance to visit art exhibitions in order to learn how to behave in these kinds of social situations..."
Mullvad ger guidad tur
Västra Nyland skrev: Marsa Pihlaja rimmar om möss i älgens krona och städglada måsar. Fakta och rim blandas på en utställning för barn i Porkalasalen på huvudbiblioteket.
Grafikern Pihlaja har skrivit två böcker om Djurens Värld och en om Mödrar. Den första boken, Djurens Värld 1, finns också översatt till svenska.
Vad Pihlaja vill att barnen tar med sig hem från utställningen är rim och ramsor, och kanske lite miljöinformation. Barnen får veta att miljövård tillhör vuxenvärlden, men Pihlaja hoppas också hon kan så ett litet miljöfrö i barnens minne. Kanske minns de vad returflaskor är då de bekantat sig med den flaskpantande elefanten?
Barnen är frågvisa och vill gärna lära sig, men Pihlaja är medveten om att mycket hänger på att dagispersonalen eller föräldrarna läser och berättar om vad som finns på affischerna..."
Why doesn't the garbage end up in the garbage can?
Newspaper Kymen Sanomat wrote: "The author & illustrator Marsa Pihlaja's book's 'Strange Things Afoot! The Animal's World 2' animals jumped onto the wall's of Pyhtää Library's gallery. – "Somehow I feel that people do not care so much anymore..." she says. The other day I was astonished to see a mother throwing an empty soda can to the ground just beside the garbage can – not in the can – while her little daughter was standing there with her!?! Through my poem about the seagull, "Garbage Police", Pihlaja tries to shake parents and children to do the right thing and put the garbage where it belongs... but also tell that the gulls are not only a nuisance but the gulls do good things for our nature too.
The author considers children as great humorists and their attention & intrest can thus be captured by the means of humour. For this reason Pihlaja's "trademark" is hilarious pictures and inventious, humoristic poems combined with short fact section." The fact sections are checked by the Finnish Museum of Natural History."